Dewey Bookmarks extension on Chrome

Searching through bookmarks made easy

If you use bookmarks when browsing, Dewey is an app you must have

If you are like me you may have over 100 cool pages bookmarked on your browser with the idea that down the line at some point you are going to need to use that blog article as a reference. But searching through bookmarks seems to takes longer than actually going back on Google and searching for the website all over again.

Well worry no more!

Searching through bookmarks made easy

About a year ago I came across this very cool app that I now use on a daily basis on Google’s Chrome Browser (which I find to be the best web browser out there right now). The app is called Dewey. It’s a quick install and easy to use interface. Just type the keyword and it will find your bookmark for you.

Dewey Chrom Bookmark Search App